Depeche Mode News -

iTunes aborts special Depeche Mode Christmas pack

December / 20 / 2006:

Earlier this week we announced exclusively that Apple's iTunes was to release a special Depeche Mode pack holding 640 tracks of which 59 were considered to be 'rare' songs. We also mentionned in updates that the first packs were either defect, incomplete or simply not purchasable. This has now been confirmed by iTunes who pulled all of the packs from all of their online stores. According to the store there are some technical issues on the various iTunes stores with song titles not matching the actual songs. Actually there was more going wrong than just this. On the Belgian store for instance it was impossible to get the complete packet, period. One only got partial tracks and there were also constant error messages saying the songs could not be purchased at the Belgian store. As a result of all of these issues, iTunes pulled everything offline including the special publicity they had reserved on the homepages of the stores. It looks like that iTunes will have the set back up as soon as they have solved the remaining problems. Also, and this is new, the pack will not hold remastered tracks only but also early not so clear masters which is a rather weird choice. More info as we get the details coming up.
